Power Partners USA obtained its Registered Trademark in January of 2016. Business attorney and Power Partners USA member Richard Greenbaum processed the trademark application for us. We are proud to display this registered trademark. It is a symbol and validation that we care about and want to protect our name as our relationship network grows. Please contact Richard Greenbaum if you have any questions about your trademark situation. The ® symbol may only be used after the US Government grants a Federal registration certificate. The ® symbol may not be used while the Federal application is pending. Additionally, the ® symbol may only be used in connection with the goods and services listed on the registration certificate.
Your business can use the ™ symbol whenever it wishes to claim a trademark. You do not need to file any paperwork to receive permission to use the ™ symbol. Use of the ™ symbol can put your competition on notice that your business considers a mark to be your trademark. Source and Additional Information on Trademarks: http://howconceptual.com/tm-symbol/ Below is a short excerpt from business coach Jackie Nagel’s blog post at www.synnovatia.com. Jackie extols the power of blogging in lieu of face to face networking. At Power Partners USA, we could not agree more – to a point. We are seeing first-hand and in only two weeks how inbound blog marketing is bringing us more website hits, positive brand awareness and new business opportunities. However, we do know the importance of business to business networking and have a solution for having “Face Time without the Drive Time”. At Power Partners USA, our business model implements interactive introductory videos to temporarily replace that first time networking introduction with a short but in-depth video introduction. The video provides the viewer insight into a potential business partner without risking any drive time or business time losses for either party. If the video content resonates, an in person meeting or phone call is arranged to take the business relationship to the next step. Blog Excerpt From: Never Too Late: Your Roadmap To Small Business Blogging Success Posted by Jackie Nagel January 20, 2015 Stop Wasting Time Content creation, along with an inbound marketing strategy, can be challenging for those who routinely do business face-to-face and belly-to-belly. Having launched our business in 1997 using an outbound marketing strategy (i.e. attending networking events, etc.), we understand fully how to get results from offline networking. Over the years, however, we’ve questioned the real ROI on face-to-face networking. It’s the dirty little secret no one wants to admit. (Click to Tweet) Given the amount of time required to drive to and from an event, plus the cost of the event, parking, and meal and/or refreshments, networking events have to produce a better ROI. This is especially true if you live in LA, like we do, or another large metropolitan area, where a 10-mile jaunt across town can eat three hours out of your day. I don’t know about you, but I’m just not willing to give up that much of my time sitting in a car. ___________________________________________________________________________ Below are examples of Power Partner USA interactive, introductory videos from Power Partners in our network. Save Time by viewing these videos to learn about them before setting up an in person or phone meeting. Keir Jones - Insurance Adam Bucshbaum - Photography /Videography Debra Bradfield - Graphic Designer Richard Greenbaum - Business Attorney Write to Alan Armijo at [email protected] if you would like to see videos on a specific B2B business category. Categories: Referral and Lead Generation, Keir Jones - State Farm , AZB Studios, Bradfield Design, Richard Greenbaum, PC
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