Audio and Video Answers
Instructions: You can choose either audio or video recording or a mixture of both.
- Record and Submit Your Answers to the questions you want to answer
- write to [email protected] if you want to suggest different questions related to insurance that you want to answer.
- Suggest questions and provide answers that will illustrate your subject matter expertise.
To save time, answer the question by rephrasing the question. For example: "What you should know about Workman's Compensation Insurance in the age of Coronavirus is..."
"The insurance coverage you need in the case of riot / civil commotion....",
"The insurance coverage you need in the case of riot / civil commotion....",
3 -Optional: Create Your Own Custom Questions
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Shooting your introductory video will take only about one hour and we will prepare you for the video shoot.
These are the same five questions you answer on the interactive video